
WelcomeTo most people, Cross Country sport where individuals run a given distance (typically 5K for high school) with a team score based on the individuals placing.  This is very true.  In-fact, meets are scored by adding the individual results of the top 5 finishers on each team, with the 6th runner being a tie-breaker if need be.  Although this describes how meet results are compiled, Cross Country at West Linn strives to be more.  Here are a few words the athletes at West Linn use to describe Cross Country:  “Cross Country is more than fast running – “I’ve learned the importance of pushing my limits and working for something greater than myself.”, “The people and the team dynamic is amazing”, “Some of my favorite memories include running in the rain, talking with the team, and overall, just having a good time together.”, “I learned through Cross Country that I could improve if I put forth the effort into running.  I have used this new found mindset to excel in my academic classes!”, “Running Cross Country was one of the best decisions I ever made.  It was great to challenge myself individually and still contribute to our team.”, “My qualities as a hard worker, leader and friend, all stem from my running career.  The camaraderie and friendship on Cross Country is unforgettable.”  In short… Cross Country is more than running!